Our blog often focuses on the installation and various application of terrazzo flooring. In fact, we know from experience that this type of flooring has a much wider depth and range for potential design choices, styles, and even artistry, but how does one unlock the potential of terrazzo aggregates and turn them into something dazzling?
Basics of a Well-Designed Terrazzo Floor
There are a few strategies to keep in mind when attempting to think up or sketch out your future terrazzo flooring design; today, we’ll cover a number of basics that we advise our Atlanta-area flooring installation customers with, as well as the countless contractors and designers that order from our online terrazzo supplies store.
Dream Big, Dream Bold
When it comes to a terrazzo flooring design, it is safe to say that if you can dream it, someone can likely do it. There are so many potential colors and styles of terrazzo aggregates and, given enough space, even the most detailed or intricate designs can be created with the crisp color divides created by terrazzo divider strips. The point here is simple: Never underestimate what can be done with a terrazzo floor. If you can draw it on paper, then it can be “drawn” on a floor using divider strips, then “colored” with various aggregates. When you work with terrazzo flooring, you get the luxury of a material that can be used to create just about anything, which is a liberating feeling.
Don’t Get Overwhelmed
The best thing about terrazzo is its versatility, but this same versatility often leads to designers feeling overwhelmed at the possibilities involved. When you’re picking a hardwood flooring, for instance, all a designer needs to do is select the right material, then decide the pattern of boards for installation – which is often a very easy choice to make; terrazzo flooring can take even less effort and decision making than this or involve bringing to life a masterpiece, all based upon the designer in question. Still, it is best to not get overwhelmed; create a rough design that you can discuss with your installation team, as they’ll be able to tell you what they can and can’t do, as well as if your design could actually be even bolder.
Keep Color in Mind
When you’re creating a terrazzo design, you simply must remember that an incredibly wide array of colors and hues are possible. While you can’t create every single color imaginable, per se, you can make a dazzling display of rich colors melding together to make a larger tapestry of design. Unlike with other flooring materials, where colors are largely relegated to browns and greys with a hint of a given color, you can easily use a shimmering red alongside a bold black, with dozens of additional options in between. So, as your design is unfolding, worry less about whether or not a given color is achievable, and more about creating a vibrant, interesting design – the colors will almost always figure themselves out.
Find Inspiration
One of the best ways to find design inspiration for your floors is to research some of the truly breathtaking terrazzo designs out there, of which there are many. Beyond that, you should also feel at liberty to take a healthy amount of inspiration from nature, as most terrazzo aggregates themselves come from stone and other natural elements. Transversely, you could look at urban society, as plenty of other aggregates come from glass and other manmade materials. Some designers even look to classic stained glass windows for inspiration, as a terrazzo floor will often appear to be a much larger, far less fragile stained glass window-esque design upon completion; as with stained glass, colors are separated out by a small divider strip and mundane materials can be transformed to create a dazzling view.
Get Your Terrazzo Supplies Here
At Klein and Company Inc., we pride ourselves on being one of the nation’s most robust and experienced terrazzo supply teams. We offer numerous terrazzo aggregates, grinding equipment, bonding agents, and more – all of which has been tested, approved, and implemented by our own local terrazzo flooring installation team. When you need materials to install or maintain your terrazzo flooring, be sure to come to us!
Check out our selection of terrazzo flooring supplies today!