Terrazzo Restoration using our new TRT (Terrazzo Restoration Treatment).
Wind Creek Casino- Wetumpka, AL
Contractor: Get A Grip, Paul Blair
Many sealers/ finishes add excessive gloss, taking away from the natural beauty of Terrazzo and aggregates. This gloss is distracting and causes overbearing reflection from lighting. Our new TRT, Terrazzo Restoration Treatment, provides floor CLARITY, allowing light to accentuate and compliment the Terrazzo.
BEFORE TRT: Notice the bright reflection from the combination of excessive sealer and lighting in the lower right hand corner of image below. This is the before.
AFTER TRT: Notice the new clarity of the floor in the upper portion of the photo, after our TRT process. The floor is noticed, not the glaring light. Let the beauty of Terrazzo shine through, not lighting and needless gloss.